Contact us by phone:​ +45 75 16 80 37​ or e-mail:

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About Us

Dansk Træmel was established in 1994 and is a processing company.

​The reason for starting Dansk Træmel was, and still is, to ensure that the wood flour and sawdust in the
Mink and Food industry are used effectively and ensure a good working environment.


  •     To ensure a good working enviroment
  •     To avoid wasting natural resources
  •     To ensure a uniform production
  •     Top quality products

The target has, therefore, from the beginning been to produce the best product on the market.

​Large investments in a fully automated computer controlled production plant were undertaken to ensure the production of top quality products.​

The production processes include various grinding, sorting and dust-cleaning processes in beech sawdust.

​The raw materials processed by Dansk Træmel are 100% pure beech sawdust, and Dansk Træmel demands the same high quality of the raw materials as it does of its own production processes.

Over the years Dansk Træmel has enjoyed a very positive development. The production plant has continuously been adapted and developed, and an extension has been added to the property. The factory and warehouse now cover over 5,000 m2.

​Tens of millions of Danish Kroner has been invested in the business, and in 2006 the production amounted to over 300,000 sacks using more than 8,000 tons of raw materials.

​Characteristics of Dansk Træmel

- Many years of experience.
- Market leader.
- Thorough knowledge of the market and the needs of our clients.
- Uncompromising requirements of quality.
- Development oriented.
- Specialised production machinery.
- Professional network of dealers.
- Employees who are competent and service minded.​

Dansk Træmel

CVR: 32309771

Gl. Lifstrupvej 3, Esbjerg

Find vej med Google Map

Telefon: + 45 7516 8037



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