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The overall goal at Dansk Træmel is to produce and deliver effective quality products.

To make sure that the customer also sees our products as effective our packaging, shipping, and services must also be of the same high standards.


We only ever use new disposable pallets that are custom made with extra deck boards and in strong timber, so that the carrying capacity is over 1,000 kg.
  We use 2 ply paper bags and nylon big bags of high quality.
  We use 2 layers of foil + foil around the pallets, so the bags are effectively protected against the weather and are firmly attached during the transport.​


Dansk Træmel uses professional distributors with a great focus on costs.
Transport costs do not constitute an insignificant part of the total price of our products so we continuously focus on distribution opportunities.


The number of bags on the pallet. As a starting point, our products are delivered with 36 bags on the pallets, but because we from experience know that some of our customers have problems handling pallets of this height we offer to pack the pallets with 27-30 and 33 bags respectively on the pallets. Here, however, an additional few days of delivery time is to be expected.

The big bags can be delivered in the regular size with 800 kg of wood flour, or as mini big bags with approximately 600 kg of wood flour.

Special mixture. Due to our automated production equipment, we can offer customers a special mixture of wood flour, completely at the customer's own request, however, only within our current particle sizes and only with orders of larger quantities (min. 10 tons).

See our Sales and Delivery conditions here

Read more about Dansk Træmel’s products including:

Dansk Træmel

CVR: 32309771

Gl. Lifstrupvej 3, Esbjerg

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Telefon: + 45 7516 8037



Mandag til Torsdag 8-15

Fredag 8-14