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Suppliers/raw materials

Good raw materials are a prerequisite in order to produce a uniform wood flour of very high quality.

Unique raw materials

We cannot achieve the high quality and uniformity by using sawdust from the furniture industry or other residual wood.

We do not compromise on our raw materials.

In order to ensure the highest quality of our products, we only use 100% pure beechwood in the production despite a nearly twice as high commodity price.

Raw material supplier

We only use 100% pure beechwood from Germany.The Company has in order to ensure an even higher quality, invested about DKK 8 million in a new drying and heat treatment facility.

High-technology facilities

The drying and heat treatment is carried out according to the latest high-technology and most environmentally sound principles with the use of pure hot air without any kind of flue gases and the like.

Treatment of the beech trunks

At the company the trunks are ensured optimal treatment, thus the attack of seeds, yeast, and moulds are reduced to a minimum.

The trunks are debarked before they are cut up (no bark in the sawdust).

New drying and heat treatment process

The sawdust that is produced when the trunks are cut up:

  1. Goes directly to the new drying and heat treatment facility.
  2. A very light coloured quality is hereby ensured
  3. Seeds, yeast, and moulds are killed by the heat treatment.

The raw material is then almost sterile.


- A truly unique quality raw material.

- A 100% pure raw material, without glue – chemicals – bark and the like.

- A bright – uniform and environmentally friendly product.

Dansk Træmel

CVR: 32309771

Gl. Lifstrupvej 3, Esbjerg

Find vej med Google Map

Telefon: + 45 7516 8037



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