Now we again have 10 and 18 beech wood pellets in stock in 800 kg big bags. Call +4575168037 for the daily price
Now we again have 10 and 18 beech wood pellets in stock in 800 kg big bags. Call +4575168037 for the daily price
Dansk Træmel meets all statutory requirements, including the more stringent requirements of local and county authorities with regard to contents of wood dust which is classified as: Harmful to health.
Economy - cost per pelt:
Dansk Træmel provides your pelt with an optimal finish,
and thus opportunities to boost sales prices.
Dansk Træmel is uniform and thus labour saving.
Dansk Træmel is efficient to use, normally approx. 60-70 pelts per sack of wood flour.
Your costs per skin with Dansk Træmel are approx. DKK 1.00-1.25.
Dansk Træmel provides you with:
A perfect pelt result which will help you boost your prices.