Contact us by phone:​ +45 75 16 80 37​ or e-mail:

Kære besøgende, vi holder sommerferielukket i ugerne 30 og 31. Vi ønsker jer alle en god sommer

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Absorptions products

BioNic Absorptions products

Dust cleaned and environmentally friendly product that is well situated on the floor

Rapid absorption of all fluids because of the beechwood's high absorbency

Usage Places:
- Auto Workshops
- Blacksmiths garages.
- Oil spills from accidents
- Hydraulic oil by faulty pipes
- Off shore drilling platforms


Dansk Træmel

CVR: 32309771

Gl. Lifstrupvej 3, Esbjerg

Find vej med Google Map

Telefon: + 45 7516 8037



Mandag til Torsdag 8-15

Fredag 8-14